Wrangling dates-time data


Alex Trinidad


February 22, 2022


The dataset for this Tidy Tuesday is about animal rescues! Alex Trinidad explores the temporal trends of animal rescues using lubridate package (Grolemund & Wickham, 2011) (Trinidad, 2022)

Load packages and data

Install TT package (if necessary)


Download data.

mydatalist <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load("2021-06-29")

    Downloading file 1 of 1: `animal_rescues.csv`

Data as tbl

mydata <- mydatalist$animal_rescues

Explore the data

Rows: 7,544
Columns: 31
$ incident_number               <dbl> 139091, 275091, 2075091, 2872091, 355309~
$ date_time_of_call             <chr> "01/01/2009 03:01", "01/01/2009 08:51", ~
$ cal_year                      <dbl> 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009~
$ fin_year                      <chr> "2008/09", "2008/09", "2008/09", "2008/0~
$ type_of_incident              <chr> "Special Service", "Special Service", "S~
$ pump_count                    <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", ~
$ pump_hours_total              <chr> "2", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", ~
$ hourly_notional_cost          <dbl> 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, ~
$ incident_notional_cost        <chr> "510", "255", "255", "255", "255", "255"~
$ final_description             <chr> "Redacted", "Redacted", "Redacted", "Red~
$ animal_group_parent           <chr> "Dog", "Fox", "Dog", "Horse", "Rabbit", ~
$ originof_call                 <chr> "Person (land line)", "Person (land line~
$ property_type                 <chr> "House - single occupancy", "Railings", ~
$ property_category             <chr> "Dwelling", "Outdoor Structure", "Outdoo~
$ special_service_type_category <chr> "Other animal assistance", "Other animal~
$ special_service_type          <chr> "Animal assistance involving livestock -~
$ ward_code                     <chr> "E05011467", "E05000169", "E05000558", "~
$ ward                          <chr> "Crystal Palace & Upper Norwood", "Woods~
$ borough_code                  <chr> "E09000008", "E09000008", "E09000029", "~
$ borough                       <chr> "Croydon", "Croydon", "Sutton", "Hilling~
$ stn_ground_name               <chr> "Norbury", "Woodside", "Wallington", "Ru~
$ uprn                          <chr> "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "1.00021E+11", "~
$ street                        <chr> "Waddington Way", "Grasmere Road", "Mill~
$ usrn                          <chr> "20500146", "NULL", "NULL", "21401484", ~
$ postcode_district             <chr> "SE19", "SE25", "SM5", "UB9", "RM3", "RM~
$ easting_m                     <chr> "NULL", "534785", "528041", "504689", "N~
$ northing_m                    <chr> "NULL", "167546", "164923", "190685", "N~
$ easting_rounded               <dbl> 532350, 534750, 528050, 504650, 554650, ~
$ northing_rounded              <dbl> 170050, 167550, 164950, 190650, 192350, ~
$ latitude                      <chr> "NULL", "51.39095371", "51.36894086", "5~
$ longitude                     <chr> "NULL", "-0.064166887", "-0.161985191", ~

Do we have missing data?

 incident_number     date_time_of_call     cal_year      fin_year        
 Min.   :     4149   Length:7544        Min.   :2009   Length:7544       
 1st Qu.: 49306118   Class :character   1st Qu.:2012   Class :character  
 Median : 89438626   Mode  :character   Median :2015   Mode  :character  
 Mean   : 91854662                      Mean   :2015                     
 3rd Qu.:131567118                      3rd Qu.:2018                     
 Max.   :233284091                      Max.   :2021                     
 NA's   :3478                                                            
 type_of_incident    pump_count        pump_hours_total   hourly_notional_cost
 Length:7544        Length:7544        Length:7544        Min.   :255.0       
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:260.0       
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :298.0       
                                                          Mean   :301.3       
                                                          3rd Qu.:333.0       
                                                          Max.   :352.0       
 incident_notional_cost final_description  animal_group_parent
 Length:7544            Length:7544        Length:7544        
 Class :character       Class :character   Class :character   
 Mode  :character       Mode  :character   Mode  :character   
 originof_call      property_type      property_category 
 Length:7544        Length:7544        Length:7544       
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 special_service_type_category special_service_type  ward_code        
 Length:7544                   Length:7544          Length:7544       
 Class :character              Class :character     Class :character  
 Mode  :character              Mode  :character     Mode  :character  
     ward           borough_code         borough          stn_ground_name   
 Length:7544        Length:7544        Length:7544        Length:7544       
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
     uprn              street              usrn           postcode_district 
 Length:7544        Length:7544        Length:7544        Length:7544       
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
  easting_m          northing_m        easting_rounded  northing_rounded
 Length:7544        Length:7544        Min.   :500050   Min.   :157050  
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:524750   1st Qu.:175150  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :531650   Median :181250  
                                       Mean   :531243   Mean   :180725  
                                       3rd Qu.:537750   3rd Qu.:186750  
                                       Max.   :571350   Max.   :200750  
   latitude          longitude        
 Length:7544        Length:7544       
 Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character  

Create a unique ID

mydata <- mydata |> 
  arrange(cal_year) |> 
  mutate(uid = paste0(seq(1:n()), LETTERS, letters))

Are there any duplicated?



Select variables of interest.

mydataselection <- mydata |> 
  select(uid, date_time_of_call, type_of_incident, animal_group_parent, borough_code)

Show me the frequencies of different types of animal.

myfreq <- mydataselection |> 
  group_by(animal_group_parent) |> 
  summarise(freq = n()) |> 
# A tibble: 28 x 2
   animal_group_parent               freq
   <chr>                            <int>
 1 Cat                               3649
 2 Bird                              1530
 3 Dog                               1194
 4 Fox                                349
 5 Horse                              193
 6 Unknown - Domestic Animal Or Pet   191
 7 Deer                               130
 8 Unknown - Wild Animal               89
 9 Squirrel                            65
10 Unknown - Heavy Livestock Animal    49
# ... with 18 more rows

Remove unkonwn type of animals from the dataset.

mydataselection <- mydataselection |> 
  filter(!grepl("Unknown", animal_group_parent))
myfreq <- mydataselection |> 
  group_by(animal_group_parent) |> 
  summarise(freq = n()) |> 

Merging the cat counts.

mydataselection$animal_group_parent <- recode(mydataselection$animal_group_parent,
                                              "cat" = "Cat")

Another way to do this (Nick van Doormaal suggestion).

mydataselection$animal_group_parent <- tolower(mydataselection$animal_group_parent)

Working with Date-Time Data

Now we are ready to work with Data-Time Data. We want to separate the date in year, month, day, hour….

But, what variable type is the date in our data set?

Rows: 7,211
Columns: 5
$ uid                 <chr> "1Aa", "2Bb", "3Cc", "4Dd", "5Ee", "7Gg", "8Hh", "~
$ date_time_of_call   <chr> "01/01/2009 03:01", "01/01/2009 08:51", "04/01/200~
$ type_of_incident    <chr> "Special Service", "Special Service", "Special Ser~
$ animal_group_parent <chr> "dog", "fox", "dog", "horse", "rabbit", "dog", "do~
$ borough_code        <chr> "E09000008", "E09000008", "E09000029", "E09000017"~

If not “date” format, transform ir

mydatadate <- mydataselection |> 
  mutate(datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(date_time_of_call, 
                                   format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
# # Non-lubridate Alternative
# mydatadate <- mydataselection |> 
#   mutate(datetime = strptime(date_time_of_call,
#                          format ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", 
#                          tz = "Europe/London"))
# OlsonNames() # function for for the tz

Create separate variables for day, month, year, hour, minute, and date.

mydatadate <- mydataselection |> 
  mutate(datetime = as_datetime(date_time_of_call,
                            format ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"),
         day = day(datetime),
         month = month(datetime),
         year = year(datetime),
         hour = hour(datetime),
         minute = minute(datetime),
         date = as_date(datetime))

head(mydatadate[, 6:12])
# A tibble: 6 x 7
  datetime              day month  year  hour minute date      
  <dttm>              <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int>  <int> <date>    
1 2009-01-01 03:01:00     1     1  2009     3      1 2009-01-01
2 2009-01-01 08:51:00     1     1  2009     8     51 2009-01-01
3 2009-01-04 10:07:00     4     1  2009    10      7 2009-01-04
4 2009-01-05 12:27:00     5     1  2009    12     27 2009-01-05
5 2009-01-06 15:23:00     6     1  2009    15     23 2009-01-06
6 2009-01-07 06:29:00     7     1  2009     6     29 2009-01-07

How many cases do we have now per day?

caseperday <- mydatadate |> 
  group_by(date) |> 
  summarise(resc_counts = n())

Plot trends of cases

ggplot(data = caseperday, 
         x = date,
         y = resc_counts
       )) +

Trends of cases

And how many cases do we have per year?

mydatadate |> 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = n()) |> 
  ggplot() +
    x = year,
    y = resc_counts
  ) + 

How many cases per year

Is there a rescue every day?

perday <- mydatadate |> 
          group_by(date) |> 
          summarise(resc_counts = n())

How many days are (more or less) in those years?

length(unique(mydatadate$year)) * 365
[1] 4745

How can I know the days that are missing? Create for this a data set with all the days

compdates <- data.frame(date = c(seq(ymd('2009-01-01'), 
                                     ymd('2021-12-31'), by = '1 day')))

How can I know the days that are missing? Create for this a data set with all the days

compdates <- data.frame(date = c(seq(ymd('2009-01-01'), 
                                     ymd('2021-12-31'), by = '1 day')))

Save missing dates

missingdates <- anti_join(compdates, perday)

Add missing dates to our data set.

fulldates <- rbind(perday, missingdates) #

This will give an error because we need the same arguments We need the same arguments

missingdates <- missingdates %>% 
  mutate(resc_counts = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(.)))

Add now the missing dates to our data set

fulldates <- rbind(perday, missingdates)

Are any date duplicated?



Wim Bernasco’s suggestion instead of using anti_join() and rbind(), use left_join.

fulldates <- left_join(compdates, perday, by = "date") %>% 
  replace(is.na(.), 0)

Separate the date ymd

fulldates <- fulldates %>% 
  mutate(year = year(date),
         month = month(date),
         day = day(date))

What week of the year did it happen?

fulldates <- fulldates %>% 
  mutate(week = week(date))

What day of the week did it happen?

fulldates <- fulldates %>% 
  mutate(weekday = wday(date, label = TRUE))

Plotting results

Plot by week.

byweek <- fulldates %>% 
  group_by(year, week) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = sum(resc_counts))
ggplot(data = byweek) +
  geom_line(aes(x = week, y = resc_counts), size = 1) +
  facet_wrap(vars(year),scales = "free_x") 

Plot Trends by Type of Animal, so accounting the type of animals.

First cat

cat <- mydatadate %>% 
  filter(animal_group_parent == "cat") %>%  
  group_by(date, animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = n())

mdatecat <- anti_join(compdates, cat)

fullcat <- rbind(cat, mdatecat) %>% 
  mutate(animal_group_parent = "cat") %>% 

Dog now.

dog <- mydatadate %>% 
  filter(animal_group_parent == "dog") %>%  
  group_by(date, animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = n())

mdatedog <- anti_join(compdates, dog)

fulldog <- rbind(dog, mdatedog) %>% 
  mutate(animal_group_parent = "dog") %>% 

Bird now.

bird <- mydatadate %>% 
  filter(animal_group_parent == "bird") %>%  
  group_by(date, animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = n())

mdatebird <- anti_join(compdates, bird)

fullbird <- rbind(bird, mdatebird) %>% 
  mutate(animal_group_parent = "bird") %>% 

Three datasets together.

myfulldata <- rbind(fullcat,fulldog, fullbird)

Dates by components

myfulldata <- myfulldata %>% 
  mutate(day = day(date),
         month = month(date, label = TRUE),
         year = year(date),
         week = week(date),
         weekday = wday(date, label = TRUE))

By day of the week

bywday <- myfulldata %>% 
  group_by(year, weekday, animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = sum(resc_counts))

What levels are in weekday?

[1] "zo" "ma" "di" "wo" "do" "vr" "za"

Order these levels.

levelorder <- c("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
ggplot(data = bywday) +
  geom_line(aes(x = factor(weekday, level = levelorder), 
                y = resc_counts, 
                group = animal_group_parent, 
                color = animal_group_parent), size = 1) +
  facet_wrap(vars(year), scales = "free_x")+
    title = "Animal Rescue per Weekday",
    x = "Weekday",
    y = "Count of Rescues",
    color = "Animal"

By week of the year

myfulldata <- myfulldata %>% 
  mutate(weekyear = paste0(week,month,day))
byweek <- myfulldata %>% 
  group_by(year, weekyear, animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = sum(resc_counts))

Plot it.

ggplot(data = byweek) +
  geom_line(aes(x = weekyear, 
                y = resc_counts, 
                group = animal_group_parent, 
                color = animal_group_parent), size = 1) +
  facet_wrap(vars(year), scales = "free_x") +
    title = "Animal Rescue per Week",
    x = "Week",
    y = "Count of Rescues",
    color = "Animal"

By month of the year

bymonth <- myfulldata %>% 
  group_by(year, month, animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = sum(resc_counts))
ggplot(data = bymonth) +
  geom_line(aes(x = month, 
                y = resc_counts, 
                group = animal_group_parent, 
                color = animal_group_parent), size = 1) +
  facet_wrap(vars(year), scales = "free_x") +
    title = "Animal Rescue per Month",
    x = "Month",
    y = "Count of Rescues",
    color = "Animal"

By year

byyear <- myfulldata %>% 
  group_by(year,animal_group_parent) %>% 
  summarise(resc_counts = sum(resc_counts))
ggplot(data = byyear) +
  geom_line(aes(x = year, 
                y = resc_counts, 
                group = animal_group_parent, 
                color = animal_group_parent), size = 1) +
    title = "Animal Rescue per Year",
    x = "Year",
    y = "Count of Rescues",
    color = "Animal"


Trinidad, A. (n.d.). NSC-R Workshops: NSC-R Tidy Tuesday. NSCR. Retrieved from https://nscrweb.netlify.app/posts/2022-02-22-nsc-r-tidy-tuesday